Life on the Carrot Island continues...

The giant super carrot that A.U and his friends were watching over suddenly became smaller one day, so they called the doctor.

The doctor suspected that the soil in the "Stonehenge" contained some special substances that only affected the big carrot, but now these substances have been damaged, and the big carrot has begun to shrink without nutrition. The doctor speculated that there must be the same soil on the carrot island that can restore the big carrot to its original state. Then the robot, Tuzhi, was sent to A.U's crew to assist them to find the proper soil that fits Super Carrot.

Watch: Bilibili (S8 / S9), Wasu (S8) [in Chinese]


Season 8 AKA "Amazing Carrot 4 (codename?)" was released in 2016. It's AU Company's very first try to import their educational product into the cartoon.

the robot Tuzhi is designed based on Tiaotiao, one of three rabbits in Amazing Carrot. The product was used to be a monitor to keep track on the students in the kindergarten with AU company's APP connected. It's also one part of AU company's "smart kindergarten" system. It might based on Intel's X86 architecture (?)

  • Opening - "Be Your Best"
    Video Season 8 | Audio
  • Ending - "You and Me"
    Audio download >

And season 9 is a continued story of Season 8, released in 2017.

It might be their first try to draw the characters in a younger figure in the poster.


Navigation < Amazing Carrot (2014-2016)  |  Fantastic Mirror (2017) >

Last update: Syltus Chau @ 2024/08/02.
    Dedicated to the youth time of mine, in mid-2010's.

Webpage by Syltus “Yinoe” Chau 2024 / A.U Animations © Hangzhou AU Culture & Technologies Co., Ltd. (

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